Get A Life (the fancomic miniseries NOT presented by Martin Mystère) presents part 3 of episode #55, Future Conditional (also known as Almanacco del Mistero 2002 bis) in English.
In Part 2, the evil Discarnated Algernon Mabus tricked Mister Jinx into building a machine that allowed the Afterlife Dimension to swallow every existing soul of Earth.
The reborn Hyperuranion Carrier saved Mister Jinx from the same fate, but that was too little and too late. To stop Mabus' unthinkable plan of achieving control over the Multiverse through the "Double Theory Of Everything", they must take the war to the enemy-- which means invading the Afterlife Dimension!
But when even Martin Mystère, Sergej Orloff and Kut Humi are unable to turn the tide-- what can Mister Jinx do to save a doomed the future?
This is it-- the end of everything. Literally!

English edits by Joe Teanby.
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.
In this issue: Longitudine zero (Martin Mystère n. 317), I giorni dell'incubo (Martin Mystère nn. 62-63-64), La vita segreta di Diana Lombard (Martin Mystère nn. 164-165), La creatura che venne dall'inferno (Storie da Altrove n. 7), La maledizione di Kunanjun (Martin Mystere nn. 106-107-108),
Mister Jinx ritorna! (Almanacco del Mistero 2002), A Martin for all Seasons (Get a Life! #41-44),
Vite parallele (Martin Mystère nn.268-269), Double Theory Of Everthing, unifying factor, Algenon Mabus, Martin Mystère, Sergej Orloff, Kut Humi, As above, so below, Emerald Tablet.
Mister Jinx ritorna! (Almanacco del Mistero 2002), A Martin for all Seasons (Get a Life! #41-44),
Vite parallele (Martin Mystère nn.268-269), Double Theory Of Everthing, unifying factor, Algenon Mabus, Martin Mystère, Sergej Orloff, Kut Humi, As above, so below, Emerald Tablet.
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