Martin Mystère recalls an appartently unconsequential episode from his own childhood (as chronicled in "L'uomo programmato")-- years ago, by chance, Martin received a book by Ignatius Donnelly about Atlantis, the lost continent.
That episode kickstarted Martin's interest for unofficial history, impossible archaeology, unhortodox theories about the birth of civilization, and so on: it was the moment his path to become "the detective of the impossible" was set.
That episode kickstarted Martin's interest for unofficial history, impossible archaeology, unhortodox theories about the birth of civilization, and so on: it was the moment his path to become "the detective of the impossible" was set.
Martin believes that episode happened by chance-- but is that even remotely possible, especially considering that "L'uomo programmato" is a tale about a man becoming a pawn of incarnate Destiny, a force which manifests literally in the flesh?
Art by Maria Stella Granata.
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
English edits by Joe Teanby.
Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.
In this issue: L'uomo programmato (Martin Mystere nn.123-124), Atlantis, Lost Continents, Mu, a librarian, Ignatius Donnely, a book, a mystery, a Messenger of the Demiurge, Drusilla.
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