In a future yet to come for the Atlanteans, the Hollow Earth will fall under the dominion of the Nazis commanded by Hugo Meister, and Martin Mystère will fight against them. Later, an Asian-controlled region will release a biological weapon called Potnia Theron on New York.
But how will things come to that? What created this pocket-dimension world, bathed in the rays of a red sun, and accessible through dimensional passages that act like Ley Lines, drifting people and things in time and space?
It's time for Torn to find out, at the very beginning of the existence of the Hollow Earth, during the last days of Atlantis.
And what if in doing that Torn will have to face some deadly Androids, like the one that fell in the hands of the terrorist Tupac?
But it could be worse: it could be the moment of the return of his nemesis-- Sulka Nanazca, the pope-scientist of the Andean Civilization World Spot!
Don't miss all the Potnia Theron and background details in the unlettered art of this episode:
But how will things come to that? What created this pocket-dimension world, bathed in the rays of a red sun, and accessible through dimensional passages that act like Ley Lines, drifting people and things in time and space?
It's time for Torn to find out, at the very beginning of the existence of the Hollow Earth, during the last days of Atlantis.
And what if in doing that Torn will have to face some deadly Androids, like the one that fell in the hands of the terrorist Tupac?
But it could be worse: it could be the moment of the return of his nemesis-- Sulka Nanazca, the pope-scientist of the Andean Civilization World Spot!
Art by Seb.
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
Edits by Joe Teanby & Luca Salvadei.
Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.
Don't miss all the Potnia Theron and background details in the unlettered art of this episode:
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