Get A Life (the fancomic miniseries NOT presented by Martin Mystère) presents The Spider That Was Drawn from the Hollow Earth (4) - finale in English.
The legendary Hollow Earth entered Martin Mystère's life at least twice. But that's just what the official series told!
When Atlantean action man Torn reaches the present era just to ask Martin Mystère, Diana Lombard and Java to actually save the Hollow Earth, all bets are off again!
What are they going up against? Meister's Nazi army? A new Potnia Theron? Something out of Sulka Nanazca's bottomless hat?
What are they going up against? Meister's Nazi army? A new Potnia Theron? Something out of Sulka Nanazca's bottomless hat?
Find out with us... and the Fire Spiders!

Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
Proofreading by Zac DeBoard
Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.
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