Get A Life (the fancomic miniseries NOT presented by Martin Mystère) presents That Which Is Not Dead 4 in English.

A wondrous event is on its way, as is a metamorphosis the likes of which you've never seen before. And the man who will shed a light to these life-changing events is... Kut Humi!
What common past do he and Mabus share? Is it just because they are both bald, or do they have some secret origins in common?
It's the end, but it's also a new beginning!

Cover art by "El Último Códice" project (EUC's Facebook page - EUC's comics on ISSUU)
Story art by Filip Cerovecki.
Proofreading by Chris Vernon
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.
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