2012 was Martin Mystère's 30th anniversary--so how comes that right now we can celebrate his 40th anniversary? Because it's been exactly 4 decades since his fabled "first meeting with mystery", as Martin puts it every time he talks about his experience at Mohenjo Daro, which took place when he was a freshly graduated young man.
Strangely enough, though, Martin never actually revealed what transpired there. And, as even the authors seem to have forgotten this particular fragment of continuity, it's a great opportunity to finally find out!
Get ready to meet the 1970s again, with their clothing style, sideburns and whatsnot!
Art and English edits by Seb.
Story and lettering by Franco Villa.
Edits by Luca Salvadei and Cristian Di Biase.

And just in case you missed the original post for the Italian version, here is the cover...which is written in English. Why is that? Check it out and the answer will be immediate!

Get A Life! in English is also:
1. The Secret of the Crystal Skull
2. The Face of Orloff
3-4. Revenge of the Chandelier & Spawn of the Chandelier
8. Extended Family Business
15. Mystery at Mohenjo Daro (part 1)
16. Mystery at Faenza (parts 1 & 2)
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