domenica 24 luglio 2016

GaL #35 - Under the Sign of the Z (1)

Get A Life (the fancomic miniseries NOT presented by Martin Mystère) presents Under the Sign of the Z (1) in English.

A new artist takes Martin Mystère and Java to Los Angeles California, investigating on a "Hispanic" mystery that involves the rich and powerful family Plain, their youngest heir, and a charming lady who's an expert of history and art. Not to mention the ghostly Charred Men from the local folklore!
What secrets ever could contain a diary by a monk who lived one century ago, in order to awaken such sinister forces as soon as it is located in the Hispanic Mission of San Fernando Rey?

Art by Lucas Ferreira Santos.
English edits by Joe Teanby
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.

In this issue: an encrypted diary; the Charred Men; the secrets of California's Missions; the legacy of Zorro.

Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.

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