The Men In Black have won! Martin Mystère faltered, after seeing the horrors of the future, and now his whole reality is vanishing!
But as the world he knew fades into nothingness, some survivors could come to his help-- the same, powerful people who shared some incredible adventures with Martin!
Art by "El Último Códice" project, Evandro Marchon Sturião, Filip Cerovecki.
English edits by Joe Teanby
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
In this issue: the Men in Black, Morgan Le Fey, Sergej Orloff, the Dreamworld or Altjeringa, Mister Jinx, Mister Mind, Nyarlathothep, Dee & Kelly, the Bringers of Ideas, Agarthi, Jehro, Jonathan Swift, the World of Ibez, the Harpies, Kunanjun, the Universal Databank, the Aleph.
Want more? Here is the Get a Life! episode index.
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